General Terms

Please find here our general terms


Standard terms and conditions of Rewired Life & Executie Coaching

Article 1. General

  1. All offers, agreements and their performance involving Rewired Life & Executive Coaching (“Rewired”) are subject to these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business. These Standard Terms and Conditions of Business also apply to any additional or follow-on agreements entered with the Client.


  1. “Client” means any legal entity or natural person that has entered or wishes to enter into an agreement with Rewired, including the legal entity’s or natural person’s representative(s), lawyer(s), legal successor(s), or heirs.
  1. For the purposes of these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business, “services” include the activities to be performed by Rewired as agreed with the Client and the coaching sessions, training sessions, training programmes, workshops, courses, and advice delivered by Rewired to the Client without a separate contract.
  1. “Participant” means any person who receives coaching or attends consultancy sessions, training sessions, training programmes, workshops, seminars or courses hosted by Rewired, including the Client or any employee, guest or invitee of the Client.

Article 2. Conclusion of the agreement

  1. All offers made by Rewired in any form whatsoever are free of obligation and valid for 30 days. After the offer is accepted in writing, Rewired will still have an opportunity to revoke the offer, provided that it does so without delay.
  1. All prices quoted in the offer are exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise stated.
  1. After confirmation by signing of the quotation, the Client has 14 days reflection time.

Article 3. Performance of the agreement

  1. The agreement entered with Rewired imposes on Rewired best-efforts obligation rather than a guaranteed results obligation, regardless of the objectives specified in the agreement.


  1. Rewired will determine the details of the services and how to perform the services, where necessary in consultation with the Client.
  1. Rewired may arrange for services to be performed by a third party if and to the extent that this does not affect the proper performance of the agreement or if this is actually required for the proper performance of the agreement.
  1. In the event of force majeure, including illness, strike action or harsh weather conditions, Rewired may change the start time or start date of the services. In the event of any prolonged illness of an instructor, Required will arrange for an expert replacement.
  1. The Client is responsible for ensuring that all information which Rewired indicates is necessary, or which the Client should reasonably understand to be necessary, for the performance of the agreement is made available to Rewired in a timely fashion. If Rewired does not receive the information needed to perform the agreement in a timely fashion, Rewired may suspend performance of the agreement and/or charge the Client for the extra costs arising from the delay at the agreed or usual rates.


  1. Rewired is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the fact that Rewired relied on any incorrect and/or incomplete information supplied by the Client, unless it should have known that the information was incorrect or incomplete.

Article 4. Term and termination

  1. If the agreement between the parties provides for the delivery of the same services more than once, the agreement will be considered to have been made for an indefinite period of time, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.


  1. Either party may terminate the agreement in writing at any time. Termination will have no consequences for either of the parties. Rewired cannot be held liable in any way for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any unilateral termination of the agreement. If the agreement has a term of one year or more, the parties must give at least 2 months’ notice. The notice period for all other agreements is 2 weeks.


Article 5. Intellectual property

  1. If any copyright, trademarks, design rights, trade names or other intellectual property rights subsist in the services delivered by Rewired under the agreement, Rewired is and remains the owner of such rights. The Client may use the physical works protected by such rights only if they include a notice stating Rewired’s name.

Article 6. Payment

  1. Invoices must be paid within 31 days of the invoice date, without any deduction or setoff, and without any postponement for alleged or actual breach on the part of Rewired. Late payment will cause the Client to be in default by operation law and owe late payment interest at the statutory rate.


  1. If Rewired takes any debt collection action against the Client who is in default, all judicial and extra-judicial costs related to the claim are payable by the Client. These costs are either 10% of the outstanding amount, with a minimum of EUR 125, or the actual costs incurred.
  2. If the payment period stated in Clause 6 (1) is exceeded, Rewired may postpone performance of the agreement, subject to the Rules of Conduct, or terminate the agreement after sending a written demand letter.


  1. In case of a refund, Rewired will return the payment to the Client within 2 months of the notification.

Article 7. Liability

  1. Rewired accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from or connected with the services it delivers.


  1. Any liability on its part will in all cases be limited to the amount invoiced for those services.
  1. By way of derogation from article 7 (2), if the agreement is for a term of six months or more, Rewired’s liability will be limited further to the invoice amount payable for the last six months.
  1. If, as a result of or in connection with any services performed by Rewired or otherwise, any damage is caused to persons or property for which Rewired is held liable, its liability will be limited to the amount paid under its general liability insurance policy, including the amount of the deductible.
  1. Rewired expressly excludes any liability for loss of profits or for any other indirect or consequential loss or damage of any nature whatsoever.


Article 8. Cancellation

  1. Rewired may cancel its services or refuse participation by the Client or a Participant without giving reasons. In such cases, the Client is entitled to a refund of the full amount paid to Rewired.


  1. The Client may cancel the services at no cost up to 3 weeks before the start of the services. In the event of individual coaching, this period will be 3 days.
  1. If the Client cancels within 3 weeks or, as the case may be, 3 days before the start of the services, Rewired may charge 50% of the original amount.
  1. If the services cannot be performed on the agreed date for reasons for which the Client is responsible, the Client must pay the full amount.
  1. Regardless of the time period within which the Client cancels, any work done in preparation and the related costs will be charged to the Client.

Article 9. Confidentiality

  1. Rewired will keep confidential all confidential information about the persons enrolled in the training and/or coaching programmes.


  1. The information supplied by a Participant or the Client about a Participant or the Client will not be disclosed to any third party.
  1. Any coaching or intake interviews and intake forms will be treated as personal and confidential. Rewired will not disclose the content of such interviews to any third party, unless with the Participant’s express prior permission given in writing or by email.
  1. Confidential information means any information identified as such when supplied to Rewired and all other information which may reasonably be considered to be confidential.
  1. If the Client is not the person participating in the training or coaching programmes, the Client is not entitled to confidential information about the participant in those programmes, unless otherwise provided in the agreement.


Article 10. Complaints, disputes

  1. If you are not satisfied with our services, you are entitled to make a complaint within 3 months of the performance of the agreement. A complaint should be written in clear language and be sent by post to G. Ferone, Saxenburgerdwarsstraat 1, 1054 KS, Amsterdam or by email to Rewired will handle your complaint as quickly as possible, but in any case within four weeks. You will receive within 2 weeks a confirmation of reception of your complaint.


  1. If it expects to need more time to handle your complaint, Rewired will send you a reply within 14 days, confirming receipt of your complaint and giving you an estimated time as to when you may expect to receive a more detailed reply from Rewired.
  1. Responsibility for handling your complaint lies with Rewired’s director.
  1. Your complaint will be treated confidentially.
  1. Rewired wants you to be satisfied with its services and sets great store by having a pleasant relationship with its Clients and Participants. If you nevertheless have a complaint, a good conversation will often remove any dissatisfaction and Rewired will be happy to take the time to speak with you.
  1. Complaint records will be kept for a minimum of 12 months.
  1. All agreements are governed by the laws of the Netherlands and the Dutch courts have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes that cannot be resolved amicably.

Algemene voorwaarden van Rewired Life & Executive Coaching

Rewired Life & Executive Coaching – Algemene voorwaarden – januari 2023, 10 clausules

Artikel 1. Algemeen
1. Alle aanbiedingen, overeenkomsten en de uitvoering daarvan met betrekking tot Rewired Life & Executive Coaching (“Rewired”) zijn onderworpen aan deze Algemene Voorwaarden. Deze Algemene Voorwaarden zijn ook van toepassing op eventuele aanvullende of vervol govereenkomsten die met
de Klant worden gesloten.
2.“Klant” betekent elke rechtspersoon of natuurlijke persoon die een overeenkomst is aangegaan of wenst aan te gaan met Rewired, met inbegrip van de vertegenwoordiger(s) van de rechtspersoon of natuurlijke persoon, advocaat(s), rechtsopvolger(s) of erfgename n.
3. Voor de toepassing van deze Algemene Voorwaarden omvatten “diensten” de door Rewired uit te voeren activiteiten zoals overeengekomen met de Klant en de coachingsessies, trainingssessies, trainingsprogramma’s, workshops, cursussen en adviezen die door Rewir ed zonder afzonderlijk
contract aan de Klant worden geleverd.
4. “Deelnemer” betekent elke persoon die coaching ontvangt of consultancysessies, trainingssessies, trainingsprogramma’s, workshops, seminars of cursussen bijwoont die door Rewired worden georganiseerd, inclusief de Klant of een werknemer, gast of genodigde v an de Klant.

Artikel 2. Totstandkoming van de overeenkomst

1. Alle aanbiedingen van Rewired in welke vorm dan ook zijn vrijblijvend en 30 dagen geldig. Nadat het aanbod schriftelijk is aanvaard, heeft Rewired alsnog de mogelijkheid om het aanbod te herroepen, mits zij dit onverwijld doet.

2. Alle in het aanbod vermelde prijzen zijn exclusief BTW, tenzij anders vermeld.

3. Na bevestiging door ondertekening van de offerte heeft opdrachtgever 14 dagen bedenktijd.

Artikel 3. Uitvoering van de overeenkomst
1. De met Rewired gesloten overeenkomst legt Rewired een inspanningsverplichting op in plaats van een resultaatsverbintenis, ongeacht de in de overeenkomst gespecificeerde doelstellingen.

2. Rewired zal de details van de diensten bepalen en hoe de diensten uit te voeren, waar nodig in overleg met de Klant.

3. Rewired kan diensten laten verrichten door een derde indien en voor zover dit geen afbreuk doet aan de goede uitvoering van de overeenkomst of indien dit daadwerkelijk noodzakelijk is voor een goede uitvoering van de overeenkomst.

4. In geval van overmacht, waaronder ziekte, stakingsacties of barre weersomstandigheden, kan Rewired de starttijd of startdatum van de diensten wijzigen. In het geval van een langdurige ziekte van een instructeur, zal Required zorgen voor een deskundige vervanging.

5. De Klant is er verantwoordelijk voor dat alle informatie waarvan Rewired aangeeft dat deze noodzakelijk is, of waarvan de Klant redelijkerwijs behoort te begrijpen dat deze noodzakelijk is, voor de uitvoering van de overeenkomst tijdig aan Rewired ter beschikking wordt gesteld. Indien Rewired
niet tijdig de informatie ontvangt die nodig is om de overeenkomst uit te voeren, kan Rewired de uitvoering van de overeenkomst opschorten en/of de uit de vertraging voortvloeiende extra kosten tegen de overeengekomen of gebruikelijke tarieven aan de Klant in rekening brengen.

6. Rewired is niet aansprakelijk voor welke schade dan ook die voortvloeit uit het feit dat Rewired is uitgegaan van door de Klant verstrekte onjuiste en/of onvolledige informatie, tenzij zij had behoren te weten dat de informatie onjuist of onvolledig was.

Artikel 4. Duur en beëindiging
1. Indien de overeenkomst tussen partijen voorziet in de levering van dezelfde diensten meer dan eens, wordt de overeenkomst geacht voor onbepaalde tijd te zijn aangegaan, tenzij uitdrukkelijk schriftelijk
anders is overeengekomen.
2. Elke partij kan de overeenkomst te allen tijde schriftelijk beëindigen. Beëindiging heeft geen gevolgen voor een van de partijen. Rewired kan op geen enkele wijze aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor enig verlies of schade die voortvloeit uit een eenzijdige beëindiging van de overeenkomst. Indien de
overeenkomst een looptijd heeft van één jaar of meer, dienen partijen minimaal 2 maanden van tevoren op te zeggen. De opzegtermijn voor alle andere overeenkomsten is 2 weken.

Artikel 5. Intellectuele eigendom
1. Indien er auteursrechten, handelsmerken, ontwerprechten, handelsnamen of andere intellectuele eigendomsrechten bestaan op de diensten die door Rewired onder de overeenkomst worden geleverd, is en blijft Rewired de eigenaar van dergelijke rechten. De Klant mag de fysieke werken die
door dergelijke rechten worden beschermd alleen gebruiken als ze een kennisgeving bevatten waarin de naam van Rewired wordt vermeld.

Artikel 6 . Betaling
1. Facturen dienen te worden betaald binnen 31 dagen na factuurdatum, zonder enige aftrek of verrekening, en zonder enig uitstel wegens vermeende of feitelijke tekortkoming aan de zijde van Rewired. Laattijdige betaling brengt opdrachtgever van rechtswege in verzuim en is vertragingsrente
verschuldigd tegen de wettelijke rente.

2. Indien Rewired een incassoprocedure onderneemt tegen de Opdrachtgever die in verzuim is, zijn alle Indien Rewired een incassoprocedure onderneemt tegen de Opdrachtgever die in verzuim is, zijn alle gerechtelijke en buitengerechtelijke kosten met betrekking tot de vordering voor rekening van de gerechtelijke en buitengerechtelijke kosten met betrekking tot de vordering voor rekening van de Opdrachtgever. Deze kosten bedragen ofwel 10% van het openstOpdrachtgever. Deze kosten bedragen ofwel 10% van het openstaande bedrag, met een minimum aande bedrag, met een minimum van EUR 125, ofwel de werkelijk gemaakte kosten. van EUR 125, ofwel de werkelijk gemaakte kosten.
3. Bij overschrijding van de in artikel 6 (1) genoemde betalingstermijn kan Rewired de uitvoering van de Bij overschrijding van de in artikel 6 (1) genoemde betalingstermijn kan Rewired de uitvoering van de overeenkomst opschorten, met inachtneming van de Gedragsregels, of de overeenkomst ontbinden overeenkomst opschorten, met inachtneming van de Gedragsregels, of de overeenkomst ontbinden na verzending van een schriftelijke aanmaningsbrief. na verzending van een schriftelijke aanmaningsbrief.
4. In geval van een terugbetaling zal Rewired de betaling binnen 2 maanden na de kennisgeving aan de In geval van een terugbetaling zal Rewired de betaling binnen 2 maanden na de kennisgeving aan de Klant retourneren. Klant retourneren.

Artikel 7. Aansprakelijkheid
1. Rewired aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor enig verlies of schade die voortvloeit uit of Rewired aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid voor enig verlies of schade die voortvloeit uit of verband houdt met de diensten die zij levert.verband houdt met de diensten die zij levert.
2. Elke aansprakelijkheid van haar kant zal in alle gevallen beperkt zijn tot het bedrag dat voor die Elke aansprakelijkheid van haar kant zal in alle gevallen beperkt zijn tot het bedrag dat voor die diensten in rekening wordt gebracht.diensten in rekening wordt gebracht.
3. In afwijking van artikel 7 lid 2 is de aansprakelijkheid van Rewired, indien de overeenkomst een In afwijking van artikel 7 lid 2 is de aansprakelijkheid van Rewired, indien de overeenkomst een looptijd heeft van zes maanden of meer, verder beperkt tot het over de laatste zes maanden looptijd heeft van zes maanden of meer, verder beperkt tot het over de laatste zes maanden verschuldigde factuurbedrag. verschuldigde factuurbedrag.
4. Indien als gevolg van of in verband met door Rewired of anderszins verrichte diensten schade wordt Indien als gevolg van of in verband met door Rewired of anderszins verrichte diensten schade wordt toegebracht aan personen of zaken waarvoor Rewired aansprakelijk wordt gesteld, is haar toegebracht aan personen of zaken waarvoor Rewired aansprakelijk wordt gesteld, is haar aansprakelijkheid beperkt tot het bedrag dat onder haar algemene aansaansprakelijkheid beperkt tot het bedrag dat onder haar algemene aansprakelijkheidsverzekering prakelijkheidsverzekering wordt uitgekeerd, inclusief het bedrag van het eigen risico. wordt uitgekeerd, inclusief het bedrag van het eigen risico.
5. Rewired sluit uitdrukkelijk elke aansprakelijkheid uit voor winstderving of voor enige andere indirecte Rewired sluit uitdrukkelijk elke aansprakelijkheid uit voor winstderving of voor enige andere indirecte of gevolgschade van welke aard dan ook. of gevolgschade van welke aard dan ook.

Artikel 8. Afgelasting
1. Rewired kan haar diensten annuleren of deelname door de Klant of een Deelnemer zonder opgaaf Rewired kan haar diensten annuleren of deelname door de Klant of een Deelnemer zonder opgaaf van redenen weigeren. In dergelijke gevallen heeft de Klant recht op restitutie van het volledige aan van redenen weigeren. In dergelijke gevallen heeft de Klant recht op restitutie van het volledige aan Rewired betaalde bedrag. Rewired betaalde bedrag.
2. De Klant kan de diensten kosteloos annuleren tot 3 weken voor aanvang van de diensten. De Klant kan de diensten kosteloos annuleren tot 3 weken voor aanvang van de diensten. Bij individuele coaching is deze periode 3 dagen.
3. Indien de Klant binnen 3 weken of, in voorkomend geval, 3 dagen voor aanvang van de diensten Indien de Klant binnen 3 weken of, in voorkomend geval, 3 dagen voor aanvang van de diensten annuleert, kan Rewired 50% van het oorspronkelijke bedrag in rekening brengen. annuleert, kan Rewired 50% van het oorspronkelijke bedrag in rekening brengen.

4. Indien de diensten niet op de overeengekomen datum kunnen worden uitgevoerd om redenen Indien de diensten niet op de overeengekomen datum kunnen worden uitgevoerd om redenen waarvoor de Klant verantwoordelijk is, dient de Klant het volledige bedrag te betalen. waarvoor de Klant verantwoordelijk is, dient de Klant het volledige bedrag te betalen.

5. Ongeacht de termijn waarbinnen opdrachtgever annuleert, worden alle ter voorbereiding verrichte Ongeacht de termijn waarbinnen opdrachtgever annuleert, worden alle ter voorbereiding verrichte werkzaamheden en de daaraan verbonden kosten aan opdrachtgever in rekening gebracht. werkzaamheden en de daaraan verbonden kosten aan opdrachtgever in rekening gebracht.

Artikel 9. Vertrouwelijkheid
1. Rewired zal alle vertrouwelijke informatie over de personen die zijn ingeschreven voor de trainingsRewired zal alle vertrouwelijke informatie over de personen die zijn ingeschreven voor de trainings– en/of coachingsprogramma’s vertrouwelijk behandelen. en/of coachingsprogramma’s vertrouwelijk behandelen.
2. De door een Deelnemer of de Opdrachtgever verstrekte informatie over een Deelnemer of de De door een Deelnemer of de Opdrachtgever verstrekte informatie over een Deelnemer of de Opdrachtgever zal niet aan derden worden verstrekt. Opdrachtgever zal niet aan derden worden verstrekt.
3. Eventuele coachingsEventuele coachings– of intakegesprekken en intakeformulieren worden als persoonlijk en of intakegesprekken en intakeformulieren worden als persoonlijk en vertrouwelijk behandeld. Rewired zal de inhoud van dergelijke interviews niet bekendmaken aan vertrouwelijk behandeld. Rewired zal de inhoud van dergelijke interviews niet bekendmaken aan derden, tenzij met de uitdrukkelijke voorafgaande toestemming van de Deelnderden, tenzij met de uitdrukkelijke voorafgaande toestemming van de Deelnemer schriftelijk of per emer schriftelijk of per ee–mail. mail.
4. Vertrouwelijke informatie betekent alle informatie die als zodanig wordt geïdentificeerd wanneer Vertrouwelijke informatie betekent alle informatie die als zodanig wordt geïdentificeerd wanneer deze aan Rewired wordt verstrekt en alle andere informatie die redelijkerwijs als vertrouwelijk kan deze aan Rewired wordt verstrekt en alle andere informatie die redelijkerwijs als vertrouwelijk kan worden beschouwd. worden beschouwd.
5. Indien opdrachtgever niet degene is die deelneemt aan de trainingen of coachingstrajecten, heeft Indien opdrachtgever niet degene is die deelneemt aan de trainingen of coachingstrajecten, heeft opdrachtgever geen recht op vertrouwelijke informatie over de deelnemer aan die programma’s, opdrachtgever geen recht op vertrouwelijke informatie over de deelnemer aan die programma’s, tenzij in de overeenkomst anders is bepaald. tenzij in de overeenkomst anders is bepaald.

Artikel 10. Klachten, geschillen
1. Indien u niet tevreden bent over onze dienstverlening, heeft u het recht om binnen 3 maanden na de Indien u niet tevreden bent over onze dienstverlening, heeft u het recht om binnen 3 maanden na de uitvoering van de overeenkomst een klacht in te dienen. Een klacht dient in duidelijke taal te worden uitvoering van de overeenkomst een klacht in te dienen. Een klacht dient in duidelijke taal te worden geschreven en per post te worden gericht aan G. Ferone,geschreven en per post te worden gericht aan G. Ferone, Saxenburgerdwarsstraat 1, 1054 KS, Saxenburgerdwarsstraat 1, 1054 KS, Amsterdam of per eAmsterdam of per e–mail aan mail aan giustina@coachinggiustina@coaching– Rewired zal uw klacht zo snel mogelijk, . Rewired zal uw klacht zo snel mogelijk, maar in ieder geval binnen vier weken, in behandeling nemen. U ontvangt binnen 2 weken een maar in ieder geval binnen vier weken, in behandeling nemen. U ontvangt binnen 2 weken een bevestiging van ontvangst van uw klacht. bevestiging van ontvangst van uw klacht.
2. Als Rewired verwacht meer tijd nodig te hebben om uw klacht te behandelen, stuurt Rewired u binnen Als Rewired verwacht meer tijd nodig te hebben om uw klacht te behandelen, stuurt Rewired u binnen 14 dagen een antwoord, waarin de ontvangst van uw klacht wordt bevestigd en u een geschatte tijd 14 dagen een antwoord, waarin de ontvangst van uw klacht wordt bevestigd en u een geschatte tijd krijgt over wanneer u een meer gedetailleerd antwoord van Rekrijgt over wanneer u een meer gedetailleerd antwoord van Rewired kunt verwachten. wired kunt verwachten.
3. De verantwoordelijkheid voor de afhandeling van uw klacht ligt bij de directeur van Rewired. De verantwoordelijkheid voor de afhandeling van uw klacht ligt bij de directeur van Rewired.
4. Uw klacht wordt vertrouwelijk behandeld. Uw klacht wordt vertrouwelijk behandeld.
5. Rewired wil dat u tevreden bent met haar diensten en hecht veel waarde aan het hebben van een 5. Rewired wil dat u tevreden bent met haar diensten en hecht veel waarde aan het hebben van een prettige relatie met haar Klanten en Deelnemers. Mocht je toch een klacht hebben, dan zal een goed prettige relatie met haar Klanten en Deelnemers. Mocht je toch een klacht hebben, dan zal een goed gesprek vaak eventuele gesprek vaak eventuele ontevredenheid wegnemen en neemt Rewired graag de tijd om met je te ontevredenheid wegnemen en neemt Rewired graag de tijd om met je te praten.praten.
6. Klachtendossiers worden minimaal 12 maanden bewaard. Klachtendossiers worden minimaal 12 maanden bewaard.
7. Op alle overeenkomsten is Nederlands recht van toepassing en de Nederlandse rechtbanken zijn Op alle overeenkomsten is Nederlands recht van toepassing en de Nederlandse rechtbanken zijn exclusief bevoegd om kennis te nemen van geschillen die niet in der minne kunnen worden opgelost. exclusief bevoegd om kennis te nemen van geschillen die niet in der minne kunnen worden opgelost.

Article 1. General

  1. All offers, agreements and their performance involving Rewired Life & Executive Coaching (“Rewired”) are subject to these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business. These Standard Terms and Conditions of Business also apply to any additional or follow-on agreements entered with the Client.


  1. “Client” means any legal entity or natural person that has entered or wishes to enter into an agreement with Rewired, including the legal entity’s or natural person’s representative(s), lawyer(s), legal successor(s), or heirs.


  1. For the purposes of these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business, “services” include the activities to be performed by Rewired as agreed with the Client and the coaching sessions, training sessions, training programmes, workshops, courses, and advice delivered by Rewired to the Client without a separate contract.


  1. “Participant” means any person who receives coaching or attends consultancy sessions, training sessions, training programmes, workshops, seminars or courses hosted by Rewired, including the Client or any employee, guest or invitee of the Client.


Article 2. Conclusion of the agreement

  1. All offers made by Rewired in any form whatsoever are free of obligation and valid for 30 days. After the offer is accepted in writing, Rewired will still have an opportunity to revoke the offer, provided that it does so without delay.


  1. All prices quoted in the offer are exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise stated.


  1. After confirmation by signing of the quotation, the Client has 14 days reflection time.


Article 3. Performance of the agreement

  1. The agreement entered with Rewired imposes on Rewired best-efforts obligation rather than a guaranteed results obligation, regardless of the objectives specified in the agreement.


  1. Rewired will determine the details of the services and how to perform the services, where necessary in consultation with the Client.


  1. Rewired may arrange for services to be performed by a third party if and to the extent that this does not affect the proper performance of the agreement or if this is actually required for the proper performance of the agreement.


  1. In the event of force majeure, including illness, strike action or harsh weather conditions, Rewired may change the start time or start date of the services. In the event of any prolonged illness of an instructor, Required will arrange for an expert replacement.



  1. The Client is responsible for ensuring that all information which Rewired indicates is necessary, or which the Client should reasonably understand to be necessary, for the performance of the agreement is made available to Rewired in a timely fashion. If Rewired does not receive the information needed to perform the agreement in a timely fashion, Rewired may suspend performance of the agreement and/or charge the Client for the extra costs arising from the delay at the agreed or usual rates.


  1. Rewired is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the fact that Rewired relied on any incorrect and/or incomplete information supplied by the Client, unless it should have known that the information was incorrect or incomplete.


Article 4. Term and termination

  1. If the agreement between the parties provides for the delivery of the same services more than once, the agreement will be considered to have been made for an indefinite period of time, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.


  1. Either party may terminate the agreement in writing at any time. Termination will have no consequences for either of the parties. Rewired cannot be held liable in any way for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any unilateral termination of the agreement. If the agreement has a term of one year or more, the parties must give at least 2 months’ notice. The notice period for all other agreements is 2 weeks.


Article 5. Intellectual property

  1. If any copyright, trademarks, design rights, trade names or other intellectual property rights subsist in the services delivered by Rewired under the agreement, Rewired is and remains the owner of such rights. The Client may use the physical works protected by such rights only if they include a notice stating Rewired’s name.

Article 6. Payment

  1. Invoices must be paid within 31 days of the invoice date, without any deduction or setoff, and without any postponement for alleged or actual breach on the part of Rewired. Late payment will cause the Client to be in default by operation law and owe late payment interest at the statutory rate.


  1. If Rewired takes any debt collection action against the Client who is in default, all judicial and extra-judicial costs related to the claim are payable by the Client. These costs are either 10% of the outstanding amount, with a minimum of EUR 125, or the actual costs incurred.
  2. If the payment period stated in Clause 6 (1) is exceeded, Rewired may postpone performance of the agreement, subject to the Rules of Conduct, or terminate the agreement after sending a written demand letter.


  1. In case of a refund, Rewired will return the payment to the Client within 2 months of the notification.


Article 7. Liability

  1. Rewired accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from or connected with the services it delivers.


  1. Any liability on its part will in all cases be limited to the amount invoiced for those services.


  1. By way of derogation from article 7 (2), if the agreement is for a term of six months or more, Rewired’s liability will be limited further to the invoice amount payable for the last six months.


  1. If, as a result of or in connection with any services performed by Rewired or otherwise, any damage is caused to persons or property for which Rewired is held liable, its liability will be limited to the amount paid under its general liability insurance policy, including the amount of the deductible.


  1. Rewired expressly excludes any liability for loss of profits or for any other indirect or consequential loss or damage of any nature whatsoever.


Article 8. Cancellation

  1. Rewired may cancel its services or refuse participation by the Client or a Participant without giving reasons. In such cases, the Client is entitled to a refund of the full amount paid to Rewired.


  1. The Client may cancel the services at no cost up to 3 weeks before the start of the services. In the event of individual coaching, this period will be 3 days.


  1. If the Client cancels within 3 weeks or, as the case may be, 3 days before the start of the services, Rewired may charge 50% of the original amount.


  1. If the services cannot be performed on the agreed date for reasons for which the Client is responsible, the Client must pay the full amount.


  1. Regardless of the time period within which the Client cancels, any work done in preparation and the related costs will be charged to the Client.


Article 9. Confidentiality

  1. Rewired will keep confidential all confidential information about the persons enrolled in the training and/or coaching programmes.


  1. The information supplied by a Participant or the Client about a Participant or the Client will not be disclosed to any third party.


  1. Any coaching or intake interviews and intake forms will be treated as personal and confidential. Rewired will not disclose the content of such interviews to any third party, unless with the Participant’s express prior permission given in writing or by email.


  1. Confidential information means any information identified as such when supplied to Rewired and all other information which may reasonably be considered to be confidential.


  1. If the Client is not the person participating in the training or coaching programmes, the Client is not entitled to confidential information about the participant in those programmes, unless otherwise provided in the agreement.


Article 10. Complaints, disputes

  1. If you are not satisfied with our services, you are entitled to make a complaint within 3 months of the performance of the agreement. A complaint should be written in clear language and be sent by post to G. Ferone, Saxenburgerdwarsstraat 1, 1054 KS, Amsterdam or by email to Rewired will handle your complaint as quickly as possible, but in any case within four weeks. You will receive within 2 weeks a confirmation of reception of your complaint.


  1. If it expects to need more time to handle your complaint, Rewired will send you a reply within 14 days, confirming receipt of your complaint and giving you an estimated time as to when you may expect to receive a more detailed reply from Rewired.


  1. Responsibility for handling your complaint lies with Rewired’s director.


  1. Your complaint will be treated confidentially.


  1. Rewired wants you to be satisfied with its services and sets great store by having a pleasant relationship with its Clients and Participants. If you nevertheless have a complaint, a good conversation will often remove any dissatisfaction and Rewired will be happy to take the time to speak with you.


  1. Complaint records will be kept for a minimum of 12 months.


  1. All agreements are governed by the laws of the Netherlands and the Dutch courts have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes that cannot be resolved amicably.

Article 1. General

  1. All offers, agreements and their performance involving Rewired Life & Executive Coaching (“Rewired”) are subject to these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business. These Standard Terms and Conditions of Business also apply to any additional or follow-on agreements entered with the Client.


  1. “Client” means any legal entity or natural person that has entered or wishes to enter into an agreement with Rewired, including the legal entity’s or natural person’s representative(s), lawyer(s), legal successor(s), or heirs.


  1. For the purposes of these Standard Terms and Conditions of Business, “services” include the activities to be performed by Rewired as agreed with the Client and the coaching sessions, training sessions, training programmes, workshops, courses, and advice delivered by Rewired to the Client without a separate contract.


  1. “Participant” means any person who receives coaching or attends consultancy sessions, training sessions, training programmes, workshops, seminars or courses hosted by Rewired, including the Client or any employee, guest or invitee of the Client.


Article 2. Conclusion of the agreement

  1. All offers made by Rewired in any form whatsoever are free of obligation and valid for 30 days. After the offer is accepted in writing, Rewired will still have an opportunity to revoke the offer, provided that it does so without delay.


  1. All prices quoted in the offer are exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise stated.


  1. After confirmation by signing of the quotation, the Client has 14 days reflection time.


Article 3. Performance of the agreement

  1. The agreement entered with Rewired imposes on Rewired best-efforts obligation rather than a guaranteed results obligation, regardless of the objectives specified in the agreement.


  1. Rewired will determine the details of the services and how to perform the services, where necessary in consultation with the Client.


  1. Rewired may arrange for services to be performed by a third party if and to the extent that this does not affect the proper performance of the agreement or if this is actually required for the proper performance of the agreement.


  1. In the event of force majeure, including illness, strike action or harsh weather conditions, Rewired may change the start time or start date of the services. In the event of any prolonged illness of an instructor, Required will arrange for an expert replacement.



  1. The Client is responsible for ensuring that all information which Rewired indicates is necessary, or which the Client should reasonably understand to be necessary, for the performance of the agreement is made available to Rewired in a timely fashion. If Rewired does not receive the information needed to perform the agreement in a timely fashion, Rewired may suspend performance of the agreement and/or charge the Client for the extra costs arising from the delay at the agreed or usual rates.


  1. Rewired is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the fact that Rewired relied on any incorrect and/or incomplete information supplied by the Client, unless it should have known that the information was incorrect or incomplete.


Article 4. Term and termination

  1. If the agreement between the parties provides for the delivery of the same services more than once, the agreement will be considered to have been made for an indefinite period of time, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.


  1. Either party may terminate the agreement in writing at any time. Termination will have no consequences for either of the parties. Rewired cannot be held liable in any way for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any unilateral termination of the agreement. If the agreement has a term of one year or more, the parties must give at least 2 months’ notice. The notice period for all other agreements is 2 weeks.


Article 5. Intellectual property

  1. If any copyright, trademarks, design rights, trade names or other intellectual property rights subsist in the services delivered by Rewired under the agreement, Rewired is and remains the owner of such rights. The Client may use the physical works protected by such rights only if they include a notice stating Rewired’s name.

Article 6. Payment

  1. Invoices must be paid within 31 days of the invoice date, without any deduction or setoff, and without any postponement for alleged or actual breach on the part of Rewired. Late payment will cause the Client to be in default by operation law and owe late payment interest at the statutory rate.


  1. If Rewired takes any debt collection action against the Client who is in default, all judicial and extra-judicial costs related to the claim are payable by the Client. These costs are either 10% of the outstanding amount, with a minimum of EUR 125, or the actual costs incurred.
  2. If the payment period stated in Clause 6 (1) is exceeded, Rewired may postpone performance of the agreement, subject to the Rules of Conduct, or terminate the agreement after sending a written demand letter.


  1. In case of a refund, Rewired will return the payment to the Client within 2 months of the notification.


Article 7. Liability

  1. Rewired accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from or connected with the services it delivers.


  1. Any liability on its part will in all cases be limited to the amount invoiced for those services.


  1. By way of derogation from article 7 (2), if the agreement is for a term of six months or more, Rewired’s liability will be limited further to the invoice amount payable for the last six months.


  1. If, as a result of or in connection with any services performed by Rewired or otherwise, any damage is caused to persons or property for which Rewired is held liable, its liability will be limited to the amount paid under its general liability insurance policy, including the amount of the deductible.


  1. Rewired expressly excludes any liability for loss of profits or for any other indirect or consequential loss or damage of any nature whatsoever.


Article 8. Cancellation

  1. Rewired may cancel its services or refuse participation by the Client or a Participant without giving reasons. In such cases, the Client is entitled to a refund of the full amount paid to Rewired.


  1. The Client may cancel the services at no cost up to 3 weeks before the start of the services. In the event of individual coaching, this period will be 3 days.


  1. If the Client cancels within 3 weeks or, as the case may be, 3 days before the start of the services, Rewired may charge 50% of the original amount.


  1. If the services cannot be performed on the agreed date for reasons for which the Client is responsible, the Client must pay the full amount.


  1. Regardless of the time period within which the Client cancels, any work done in preparation and the related costs will be charged to the Client.


Article 9. Confidentiality

  1. Rewired will keep confidential all confidential information about the persons enrolled in the training and/or coaching programmes.


  1. The information supplied by a Participant or the Client about a Participant or the Client will not be disclosed to any third party.


  1. Any coaching or intake interviews and intake forms will be treated as personal and confidential. Rewired will not disclose the content of such interviews to any third party, unless with the Participant’s express prior permission given in writing or by email.


  1. Confidential information means any information identified as such when supplied to Rewired and all other information which may reasonably be considered to be confidential.


  1. If the Client is not the person participating in the training or coaching programmes, the Client is not entitled to confidential information about the participant in those programmes, unless otherwise provided in the agreement.


Article 10. Complaints, disputes

  1. If you are not satisfied with our services, you are entitled to make a complaint within 3 months of the performance of the agreement. A complaint should be written in clear language and be sent by post to G. Ferone, Saxenburgerdwarsstraat 1, 1054 KS, Amsterdam or by email to Rewired will handle your complaint as quickly as possible, but in any case within four weeks. You will receive within 2 weeks a confirmation of reception of your complaint.


  1. If it expects to need more time to handle your complaint, Rewired will send you a reply within 14 days, confirming receipt of your complaint and giving you an estimated time as to when you may expect to receive a more detailed reply from Rewired.


  1. Responsibility for handling your complaint lies with Rewired’s director.


  1. Your complaint will be treated confidentially.


  1. Rewired wants you to be satisfied with its services and sets great store by having a pleasant relationship with its Clients and Participants. If you nevertheless have a complaint, a good conversation will often remove any dissatisfaction and Rewired will be happy to take the time to speak with you.


  1. Complaint records will be kept for a minimum of 12 months.


  1. All agreements are governed by the laws of the Netherlands and the Dutch courts have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes that cannot be resolved amicably.

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