creating a space for your development

The Nature of Coaching

Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance by helping them to learn rather than teaching.  

It occurs when a client is empowered to see new options for becoming a more effective human being. 

A coach refers to a person who works with emerging human and organizational forces to tap new energy and purpose, to shape new vision and plans, and to generate desired results. A coach is someone trained and devoted to guiding others into increased competence, commitment, and confidence.” (Hudson,1999 p.6)

The aim of executive and life coaching is sustained cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes that facilitate goal attainment and performance enhancement either in one’s work or in one’s personal life (Douglas & McCauley 1999).

My method: applying evidence to practice

My coaching practice builds upon a collaborative relationship that provides my clients with evidence-based tools empowering them to take action and develop personally and professionally.

Best current knowledge, understood as up-to-date information from relevant, valid research, theory, and practice, point into a few directions for coaching, one of this being Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC). 

In line with CBC, all life events (e.g., our history, experiences, childhood) shape the way we think about the world and ourselves. Our brain is WIRED so that our thoughts affect the way we feel, and viceversa. The reciprocal connection of thoughts and emotions in our brain guides our behaviors.

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Rewired means to break free of self-defeating thoughts with the help of CBC, and finally see the world and social interactions realistically.
Some activating events trigger our thoughts, with important consequences for how we feel and conduct our life. For example, it may be common for a woman to think she is a failure (thought) when she makes mistakes or doesn’t get a job (activating events). The thought of being a failure may generate anger or guilt, shame, sadness etc. (emotions). These unpleasant emotions can get in the way of taking effective steps toward her goals creating a downward spiral.

In CBC, life events are considered to be neutral because they are neither good or bad. It is the way we react to them to make a difference. Hence, we, not the event, are in control.

We can control this spiral by acknowledging that our thoughts may be flawed by our life history, and we are committed to change them.

A mistake doesn’t mean we are a failure. It means we are human, we fail and try again.

By using CBC, I’ll guide my clients’ self-discovery, so they became the expert of themselves and learn to see obstacles and opportunities from a new perspective, to reach their conclusions and solutions. I’ll help them think differently: new thoughts have the potential to create new feelings and powerful actions.

Why is CBC different?

More practical coaching methods (e.g., the GROW model) help clients identify obstacles in their environment and attain their goals by getting rid of them.

While these models are suitable when focusing on one practical aspect and might be enough in some circumstances, they will not be enough when you are experiencing emotional and cognitive barriers that block your actions.

In these cases, treating emotions as peripheral might help you only in the short term, or worse, hinder the effectiveness of the whole coaching journey.

By relying on CBC when needed, you will know more about your triggers, your emotions, and how to use your thoughts and strengths to be the leader (and the coach) of your life, both in the short and in the long term.

additional resources based on your coaching needs

emotional intelligence

Why some people are more effective than others, irrespective of their IQ?

The answer is in their ability to understand and manage their’s and others’ emotions, also known as Emotional Intelligence (EI). 

In coaching, we navigate the four components of EI:

1. Self-awareness: how well do you understand your emotions and their effect on you and those around you?

2. Self-management: how do you regulate your emotions in stressful situations?

3. Social awareness: are you able to read others’ emotions? Empathy enables you to communicate and collaborate more effectively

4. Relationship management: are you able to deal with conflict?

Each component is made up of five competencies. Knowing what they are, assessing them, and finding the balance that most works for you, is part of your coaching journey

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